
It all starts with the goal – your business objectives and target group. Once we understand the impression and messages you want to send to potential customers, we go into careful conceptual design to make your exhibition stand or event an effective marketing tool.

Perfect planning down to the last detail
Perfect planning down to the last detail

Based on the concept, we develop tangible, holistic ideas that convey your message to your target audience. True to Marshal McLuhan’s maxim “The medium is the message” – everything communicates and sends signals, from the colour of the flooring to the give-away.

Modern solutions and sustainable design
Modern solutions and sustainable design

Empathise, define, ideate, prototype, test: in the five phases of the design process, we develop solutions that focus on collaboration between users and designers. “Design thinking” for us means exploring how people think, feel and behave.


Materials, colours, lighting and furniture bring your exhibition stand or event to life, creating the desired atmosphere. The implementation takes place in close cooperation with carpenters, electricians and graphic designers, always with sustainability and environmental friendliness in mind.

Skilful interplay creates atmosphere<br />
Skilful interplay creates atmosphere

During the installation of the exhibition stand, a well-coordinated team takes care of possible adjustments and changes to achieve the best possible result. Our specially developed digital tool Fairstatus allows all-time control of the project stand and avoids unnecessary costs.

Team meeting with Holger Wilke (middle) during construction.
Team meeting with Holger Wilke (middle) during construction.

Achieving more together: Our network of agencies, specialists and craftsmen leads to powerful synergies and to projects being successfully implemented, knowledge deepened, services expanded and skills improved. Who benefits most from this? Our clients!


Artificial intelligence is pushing the boundaries of design, creating new kinds of experiences that cater to individual preferences and interests. Stunning visual effects and personalised user experiences are revolutionising the architecture of communication platforms.

Create unlimited spaces of experience
Create unlimited spaces of experience

We are looking to strengthen our team
Designer (m/f/d)
on a freelance basis/project basis
#InteriorDesign #ExhibitionDesign #SpatialDesign
#Setconstructiondesign #Tradefairdesign


The reason for a successful event is found behind the scenes: A reliable production with experienced directors, light operators, technical team and stage crew. We support you in finding ideas, locations, narratives and dramaturgy.