ILA Berlin - Expo Airshow Berlin 2024


  • Design
  • project development
  • project management
  • consulting




LNC LogisticNetworks Consultant



ILA Berlin – Expo Airshow Berlin 2024. The joint chalet of the German states of Lower Saxony, Bavaria, Bremen, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein at the ILA Berlin has already become a tradition. Wayz organized the implementation of the building in the outdoor area of the Berlin Expo Center Airport reliably and smoothly. To avoid paper waste due to the use of flyers and brochures, the BetterThanFlyer© tool was used for the first time, a development in the company group that enables flyers and contacts of sub-exhibitors to be downloaded using an app. The project was characterized by efficiency, cost awareness, sustainability and ultimately successful trade fair days for the exhibitors from the aviation and aerospace industry.